Monday, February 28, 2005

Here is the picture from when we met the Mayor of Dudley on January 20. From clokwise left to right is myself, Lisa McClenaghan HR Manager (one of the three that interviewed me in Chicago), Mayor Malcolm Knowles, Council Member Peter Mill (Cabinet Leader of Social Services, Conservative), Teri (other American), Council Leader David Caunt (Conservative), and Stacy (other American). I realized the two council members were Conservatives... after expressing my distaste for Mr. Bush. Oh well, I suppose it doesn't matter when the Prime Minister is Labour Party and he's W's buddy! I actually really liked David Caunt; he had a lovely dry sense of humor. Mayor Malcolm Knowles is an absolute sweetheart! I even got official pens!
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1 comment:

BK/CK said...

What up Lisa! Only in England can a Mayor "Dudley" sound respectable. Then again, Indy's mayor is named Bart.

Hope you're enjoying your time over there.