Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Flasback to my death defying leap

In editing some of my old posts and revising this blog a little in order to redirect it's content, I realized I never posted images from my first skydive. I pretty much abandoned this blog from January through October- there wasn't much lost in the spring and I was too loved up to think about much else in the summer. But, I wanted to revisit the dive and share a couple images. My uncle Ken took me with him for his first skydive, on his fiftieth birthday. It was my early 30th birthday present. We did it at Skydive Deland, in Florida.

I have always wanted to skydive. It's one of many adventures I think everyone should do at least once before they die, but perhaps I should speak for myself. It was one of, if not the most exhilarating experiences I have had in my life so far. I would definitely like to do it again. Perhaps I can talk Luke into it on one of our trips down to Florida. If you are contemplating, but feel unsure, I say do it! You will not regret it. Be sure, I did confirm with my tandem instructor that he had years of experience. I think he had been doing about 8 years and had done over 13,000 dives- or maybe it was the other way around. . . .
My Uncle Ken making his leap

Yep, that's me!

Chute's out . . .

. . . And a smooth landing.

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Reflections on how I spend my time (reflections with too much time off sick)

Fortunately, Luke has been off or not working at the times I have been home sick most of this week, so he's been around to keep me company and allow for a moderate level of my whining and attention seeking. I've got some bad sinus infection/cold thing that has also been accompanied by lovely intermittent bouts of nausea. But, while he's at work, I once again allowed myself to be magnetized to the computer, searching various wedding ideas and engaging in useless activities such as facebook fishing games. I did come across a great website in my wed idea search however. I love the woman who writes, I believe, most of the entries and have enjoyed reading her thoughts and suggestions not only on the wedding hoopla, but also on other policital, social and environmental matters.

I especially like the worst wedding advice she shares as she comes across, and her list of what is actually important. I concur with all of them. While I am very excited about our big wedding and the lovely location it will be at, I've reminded myself in all this sick reflection that we still have 8-9 months until that day. Although, we've joked today that if we went ahead and got married down at the county clerk's office, we could get Luke health benefits. I am most excited now about how we will write our ceremony so that it is personal to us. I know it will be beautiful and elaborate, in many traditional ways, but it will also be ours and very untraditional in that we plan to ensure we express ourselves and who we are, as opposed to what is expected. Now that all the major venue and vendor needs are settled, I can pull myself back (really, I can!) and enjoy the daily happiness I have in our home together. Or, until my mom arrives in January for dress shopping. . .

In the meantime, I intend to refocus my free time. I may be looking for a part time job to supplement our tight income, but for now I need to regain focus on studying and passing the LCSW exam once and for all, as well as contributing something more than what I do outside my job. I know it's post the big vote, but I don't think it is ever too little too late to become involved in politics, so I have signed up with some of the local politicians I support to start engaging more in the process. I also am seeking out environmental organizations that I can offer volunteer support to. I need to do something a little different from what I do at the schools each day, but also feel like I could and should be doing more than what I do with my kids Monday through Friday. Now, if I could just afford to take the LCSW exam . . . that is really the next step. I guess that's where the second job comes in.