Monday, July 31, 2006

A Shout Out

First off, I'd like to say Happy Birthday to Brian, you old man you! Also I'd like to say to Big Poppa- here ya go! I've caught up now but don't think that's it! I'll have more after The Big Chill this weekend, I promise!

There's lots of you I haven't talked to in ages but don't think I don't think of you all the time. I get consistent updates from the various circles and I hear all the weddings, baby announcements and good news that seems to be coming everyone's way. I seem to be feeling a little more homesick as time passes and as I get closer to coming back to see you all in less than five months. But at the same time I get more and more emotional about now having to leave the people that I love here. No worries, I'm not letting this effect my last months here- as you can see from the pictures. In fact, I am doing more each weekend in the past few months than I did in my first six months here. I'm just getting into that old reflective mode that I fall into when a big change is approaching and begin thinking too often what things are going to look like this time next year. Who knows really? I know it will be completely different and I hope it just continues to get better not only for me, but all the people I love and especially for those that haven't had the best of years in 2006.

As much as the rents may hate that big tattoo (or the f***ing mural), I've got a sense of pride in the meaning behind it and truly do believe that things happen for a reason and people meet when they are meant to, for a purpose. When I think of the flack I got when I decided to move to Dudley of all places, and I became so nervous that it was going to be a mistake. But of course it wasn't, and I am better person with more people to love in life because of it. I seem to be so fortunate to have people, Stateside and UK, who are amazing friends and support and encourage all that I do. It's a pretty good feeling to know, too, that no matter where in the world I end up, I continue to have that encouragement and support from the kind of people who you may not talk to for a few months (or sometimes longer), but nothing changes in how you feel about each other.

And no I have not been drinking, but okay, maybe a little overtired as it is 1:30 in the morning and I have to be at the gym in six hours. . .I'm just in one of those cliche moods tonight and thought I would share.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Greetings Jacob!

I tried to change the name but now that he's here, it kind of works for me. Jacob, my newest nephew and the latest addition to the tribe was born at 10:56PM on July 12 weighing in at 8lbs 8oz. He's looking happy and healthy! I wish I could be there to great him right away, but I just keep reminding myself when the homesickness kicks in- he'll just be getting to a fun age when I arrive in December.

Daddy Brian (once again) and Jacob

Look at what a good big brother I am! I'm supporting his head, see?

Excuse, me? Who's this kid? I'm the baby of the family!

You're pretty cute but Lisa still better give me a grandaughter.

The lovely Grandma- oh wait- sorry- Mimi to the great-grandkids, and Jacob.

No, I am not a Shandy baby!

I'm a Shands baby.

How cute are my niece, nephew and cousin? Hanging out at the Traders, as they do . . .

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