Saturday, May 14, 2005

A hike in the Clent Hills

The weather was too good to be missed this weekend, so in my ever increasing motivation to get back in the outdoors and back in shape, I went for a hike in the Clent Hills with Stacey (another American who came over in January). I knew Clent was not too far from where I live, but it was suprisingly closer than I had thought. We had a great, rigorous hike to the top of the hill and around. This time of year there are beautiful patches of Blue Bells blooming along the hike.

I don't feel like these pictures of the Blue Bells do them justice. The color was amazing in large patches throughout the hike.

Once we reached the top of the hill, these were the views. We were able to see where we live and work and on the other end we saw as far as Malvern Hills.

These are just a few views with Hagley Castle ruins and horse farm areas we passed along the hike...

Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa

Anna and I stop by your site all the time. We love the pictures and experiences you are having..just want to let you know thanks for sharing and hope to see you soon on the river.

Libbi & Anna