Monday, July 31, 2006

A Shout Out

First off, I'd like to say Happy Birthday to Brian, you old man you! Also I'd like to say to Big Poppa- here ya go! I've caught up now but don't think that's it! I'll have more after The Big Chill this weekend, I promise!

There's lots of you I haven't talked to in ages but don't think I don't think of you all the time. I get consistent updates from the various circles and I hear all the weddings, baby announcements and good news that seems to be coming everyone's way. I seem to be feeling a little more homesick as time passes and as I get closer to coming back to see you all in less than five months. But at the same time I get more and more emotional about now having to leave the people that I love here. No worries, I'm not letting this effect my last months here- as you can see from the pictures. In fact, I am doing more each weekend in the past few months than I did in my first six months here. I'm just getting into that old reflective mode that I fall into when a big change is approaching and begin thinking too often what things are going to look like this time next year. Who knows really? I know it will be completely different and I hope it just continues to get better not only for me, but all the people I love and especially for those that haven't had the best of years in 2006.

As much as the rents may hate that big tattoo (or the f***ing mural), I've got a sense of pride in the meaning behind it and truly do believe that things happen for a reason and people meet when they are meant to, for a purpose. When I think of the flack I got when I decided to move to Dudley of all places, and I became so nervous that it was going to be a mistake. But of course it wasn't, and I am better person with more people to love in life because of it. I seem to be so fortunate to have people, Stateside and UK, who are amazing friends and support and encourage all that I do. It's a pretty good feeling to know, too, that no matter where in the world I end up, I continue to have that encouragement and support from the kind of people who you may not talk to for a few months (or sometimes longer), but nothing changes in how you feel about each other.

And no I have not been drinking, but okay, maybe a little overtired as it is 1:30 in the morning and I have to be at the gym in six hours. . .I'm just in one of those cliche moods tonight and thought I would share.

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